2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia)
"Cloud" is a common metaphor for an Internet accessible infrastructure (e.g. data storage and computing hardware) which is hidden from users. Cloud Computing makes data truly mobile and a user can simply access a chosen cloud with any internet accessible device. In Cloud Computing, IT-related capabilities are provided as services, accessible without requiring detailed knowledge of the underlying technology. Thus, many mature technologies are used as components in Cloud Computing, but still there are many unresolved and open problems. CloudCom-Asia 2013 aims to bring together researchers who work on cloud computing and related technologies.
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE CPS (EI). Distinguished selected papers from CloudCom-Asia 2013 conference, after further extensions, will be published in Special Issues of the following prestigious journals:
◆IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
◆Journal of Internet Technology (SCI)
◆International Journal of Cloud Computing (Scopus, EI)
◆More Updating...
Important Dates:
Due to multiple extension request, the new submission deadlilne is: Sept. 25, 2013(CEST+6)
Notification: Oct. 11, 2013(New Notification: Oct. 18, 2013)Camera-ready: Oct. 25, 2013(New Camera-ready: Nov. 5, 2013)
Author registration: Nov. 25, 2013(Early Bird Registration: Nov. 10, 2013) Workshop Proposals: June. 30, 2013