Package mpv2

Class Summary
AllMatrices mpv2 = Matrix package version 2 The abstract class AllMatrices contains common stuff for several kinds of matrices.
BandMatrix This class is a band diagonal matrix implementation of the AllMatrices superclass.
BlockMatrix This is a block matrix consisting of four submatrices, Matlab-notation: [ A, B; C, D].
CholeskyDecomposition Cholesky Decomposition.
DiagonalMatrix This is a diagonal matrix class made by implementing AllMatrices.
EigenvalueDecomposition Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.
JamaMatrix Jama = Java Matrix class.
LUDecomposition LU Decomposition.
LUPDecomposition LUP Decomposition, P*A = L*U A is N-by-K, P is N-by-N, M is Math.min(N,K), then L is N-by-M and U is M-by-K
MatchingPursuit This class includes several closely related algorithmes for Matching Pursuit (MP).
PermutationMatrix This is a permutation matrix class made by implementing AllMatrices.
QRDecomposition QR Decomposition.
RepeatBlockMatrix This is a block (e.g. band) diagonal matrix where the block is the same each time it is repeated.
SimpleMatrix This is a simple matrix class made by implementing AllMatrices as simple as possible.
SingularValueDecomposition Singular Value Decomposition.
SparseMatrix This class is a sparse matrix implementation.
SparseVector This class is a sparse vector implementation.
SparseVectorMatrix This class is a matrix implementation of the AllMatrices superclass, where each column is a SparseVector.
SymmetricMatrix This is a symmetric matrix class made by implementing AllMatrices.