I am a professor emeritus (physical chemistry) at the University of Stavanger (UiS) with interest in reaction kinetics of chemical and biological systems.
The city of Stavanger (ca. 100 000 inhabitants) lies in the south-western part of Norway. UiS has
about 9000 students and its campus (see slide show, left bar) is located near Hafrsfjord.
After an chemical eduction at the CHF in Stuttgart, Germany, and studies at
the University of Oslo, I have
since 1984 been in Stavanger and have worked on chemical and biological
oscillators; especially with the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction and circadian rhythms. The BZ reaction is a chemical
oscillator that can show concentration oscillations, sometimes for hours,
even in a simple beaker. Apart from oscillatory behavior, chemical
oscillators show a variety of surprising (and quite fascinating!) phenomena
that normally are associated with biological systems; for example
excitability, bistability, chemical pulse propagation and spontaneous
structure or pattern formation. Even chaos can be observed. In my circadian rhythm studies I focussed on adaptation behaviors including temperature compensation and other homeostatic properties. In these studies the fungus
crassa was used as a model organism.
Presently I work on modeling approaches/theoretical concepts concerning robust perfect adaptions in oscillatory and nonoscillatory homeostats.
Address Prof. Dr. Peter Ruoff URL: https://ux.uis.no/~ruoff/ |
Last updated: December 12, 2023