Jahed Abedi

A Physicist with insatiable curiosity

About me

In a nutshell, I am a black hole physicist with extensive interests in gravitational physics spanning both observational and theoretical domains. On the observational side, I am deeply involved in the search for gravitational wave (GW) echoes and Quasinormal Modes (QNMs) within LIGO/Virgo and pulsar timing array data. On the theoretical side, I delve into various aspects including black hole perturbations, QNMs, and Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in curved space-time.

My research extends from possible ground breaking discoveries at minimum Planck length where their possible signals were found in my papers (GW echoes) to as large as supermassive black holes in my resent LISA project. I received 2019 Buchalter Cosmology First Prize honored for bold and innovative step towards understanding quantum gravitational phenomena for my recent paper. See press coverages about my research: www.nature.com, These Experiments Could Prove Einstein Wrong, physicsworld.com, www.nature.com.

I have been featured in interviews on: www.ibtimes.co.uk, www.aei.mpg.de

My potential groundbreaking works have received over 820 citations and 57 citations per published paper.

As a member of LISA, my focus lies at the intersection of gravitational physics and potential quantum gravitational effects. Specifically, I am deeply engaged in the study of stellar-origin binary black hole mergers and the extreme physical conditions near the black hole event horizon.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical engineering and Master/PhD in Physics.

My research aims to answer crucial questions:

What quantum effects we expect from black holes?

How significant are they if exist?

Can we observe them?

How can we confirm or disprove classical/quantum black hole alternatives through gravitational wave data?

How to implement the best pipeline to test Kerr nature of observed black holes through black hole spectroscopy.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries or if you wish to learn more about my research!

Main projects and softwares



coherent WaveBurst


Positions and works

July 2021 - July 2024

Postdoc - University of Stavanger

Jan 2015 - Dec 2016

Visitor - Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics




Sharif University of Technology



Sharif University of Technology



University of Tabriz
