• Caribbean basins, tectonics and
hydrocarbons (CBTH) (PI’s:
Dr. Alejandro Escalona- UiS and Dr. Paul Mann-

This project is an industry consortium of 11
companies and is currently administrated by the
Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas.
The main goal is to create a GIS-based digital and
atlas synthesis of available seismic and well data
to define the regional hydrocarbon potential of the
unexplored Caribbean region. Our main objectives are
to compile all the available digital seismic and
published data in a regional basis to create an
integrated geologic synthesis of tectonosequences,
depositional systems, major structures, petroleum
geology, paleogeographic maps, and quantitative
plate reconstructions for a better understanding of
the hydrocarbon systems in the region. Click
here to find more detailed information about the
