From Tue Dec 20 17:51:09 2005 Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 17:50:52 +0100 From: Claas H. Van der Zwaag To: Bernt Aadnøy , Harald Alstveit , Miguel Angel Jorquera Arriado , Tore Borlaug , Elmahdi Elesawi , Max Arild Fjellheim , Eduardo Galletti , Line Therese Hansen , Stein Ove Hjelle , Therese Hummelsund , Olav Larsen , Anders Lian , Rohny Lima Oltesvik , Alv Johan Marvik , Siren Heggen Mæland , Asbjørn Njerve , Edvard Omdal , Jan-Morten Ra , Randi Reber , Rizal Rismanto , Iron Bakti Sitanggang , Svein M Skjæveland , Håvard Smørdal , Rohan Satish Vaishampayan , Claas H. Van der Zwaag Cc: Subject: Master thesis All! Thanks for a positive experience with the lectures in well completions. The exams have been OK, some will be happy, some rather disappointed. That's life ... I was wondering whether everybody has found a topic for the diploma thesis. If not, I've got the following thesis topics (working titles) to offer: 1. Laboratory testing of drilling fluids using advanced measurement techniques, Place: Stavanger, M-I Swaco Laboratories and University Laboratory 2. Heavy mud losses/gas behind casing - Risk levels on the Continental Shelf, Place: Stavanger, Petroleum Safety Authority 3. Routine leak testing and complete overhaul of blow out preventers (BOP), Place: Stavanger, Petroleum Safety Authority 4. Screen - drilling mud compatibility testing, Place: Bergen/Sandsli, M-I Swaco/Hydro (some back and forth between Bergen and Stavanger has to be accounted for) I can supervise at maximum two of these theses. If you're interested, please contact me: Tel. 974 36704alternative e-mail: Otherwise: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Claas van der Zwaag, Adjunct Professor University of Stavanger Department of Petroleum Engineering N-4036 Stavanger